It might surprise you, but even accountants understand and appreciate the value that the creative arts add to society. It gives rise to new ideas, to self-expression and to social change. Nothing sails closer to the wind than comedy, in fact, the funnier something is, the closer to truth it usually is.

By supporting those in creative fields, we support a more robust society, one that is capable of change, of commentary and reflection. A world full of hope and optimism is one in which we all want to live and, by PKF Withers Tsang assisting with their financial affairs, our creative talent can focus on what they do best – bringing joy to the world. That excites us and is one of our ways of engaging and adding value to New Zealand.

Together, business and arts, often seen as oil and water, can paint a beautiful, thriving and complex community for all kiwi. Isn’t that a fantastic opportunity? We think so, and so does the entire team at PKF Withers Tsang.

If you want to find out more, or get some tickets to the New Zealand Comedy festival, head over here now.